Training and Certificate
Recognizing Critical Expertise
Expert Working Groups
Specialists Working with Women Survivors
Specialists who Work with Men who Harm their Partners and Children
Those who Support Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence
Risk Assessment and Management Training
Can you recognize:
- subtle signs your employee/client/patient/student may be in danger?
- risk factors for serious harm or death?
Learn more about managing risk of domestic violence or homicide through collaboration.
This course focuses on general issues related to assessment and management of risk for domestic violence and domestic homicide. Information is presented on the use of domestic violence risk screening, triage, and assessment processes.There is a strong focus on sharing information and promoting collaboration. The course will take about 6 hours to complete and is delivered in 10-45 minute lessons that you can complete at your own pace. You will have the opportunity to learn and practice skills using scenario-based learning utilizing cases reviewed by the Ontario Domestic Violence Death Review Committee. The course incorporates evaluations in the form of multiple-choice exams. Participants who successfully complete the course will be awarded a certificate of completion.