Training and Certificate
Recognizing Critical Expertise
Expert Working Groups
Specialists Working with Women Survivors
Specialists who Work with Men who Harm their Partners and Children
Those who Support Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence
Domestic Violence Risk Assessment and Management - Online Training
Domestic violence is not a private matter.
Did you know?
Domestic violence doesn’t just stay at home - it affects the workplace, too. Domestic violence costs workplaces in Canada more than $7 million per year.
This money is a result of lost work time, reduced productivity, increased accidents, and employee turnover.
Did you also know that...
- 1 in 3 Canadian workers has experienced domestic violence at some point in their life.
- Over half of all workers suffering from domestic violence are victimized at work.
- Almost 40% of domestic violence victims reported that it affected their ability to get to work.
- Over 80% of victims found that domestic violence negatively affected their work performance.
Are you prepared?
The creation of safe and supportive workplaces is in everyone’s best interest and we all have a role to play. Under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, Ontario employers now have an obligation to address domestic violence in their workplaces. They need to ensure a safe and healthy environment, for all employees.
Learning Outcomes
Many workplaces struggle as they try to develop and implement policies and procedures to prevent and address domestic violence in the workplace. It can sometimes be difficult to determine exactly what needs to be done to not only prepare and prevent incidents but also respond should issues arise or someone’s safety be at risk. Domestic violence is a sensitive topic that requires proper knowledge and thorough training.
The online training program offered here will assist in preparing everyone in the workplace to not only recognize signs of domestic violence but also how to respond and seek help when workers are experiencing domestic violence. These are key components of professional development for all members of any workplace environment.
This four-part online training series includes:
- Introduction to Domestic Violence in the Workplace
- Understanding Domestic Violence
- Teach Everyone Warning Signs and Risk Factors
- Respond: SNCit to Start the Conversation
Each training should take approximately 20 minutes. Upon completion of all four training modules and the evaluation, you will receive a certificate of completion.
Ensure your workplace is prepared for handling domestic violence by helping to create a positive, healthy and safe environment.