This page offers links (where available) to documents and resources used to identify knowledge and skills for gender-based violence work with men, women, and children. Items are listed in alphabetical order.
Cette page offre des liens (le cas échéant) vers des ressources et des documents utilisés pour définir les connaissances et les compétences requises pour le travail en lien avec la violence fondée sur le sexe auprès des hommes, des femmes et des enfants. Les éléments sont classés en ordre alphabétique.
Ambuel, B., Trent, K., Lenahan, P., Cronholm, P., Downing, D., Jelley, M., Lewis-O’Connor, A., McGraw, M., Marjavi, A., Mouden, L., Wherry, J., Callahan, M., Humphreys, J., & Block, R. (2011). Competencies Needed by Health Professionals for Addressing Exposure to Violence and Abuse in Patient Care, Academy on Violence and Abuse. Academy on Violence & Abuse.
American Psychological Association (2018). APA guidelines for psychological practice with boys and men. Boys and Men Guidelines Group.
- American Psychological Association. (2016). Abuse of women with disabilities. Retrieved from
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV001 - Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV002 Provide support to children affected by domestic and family violence. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV003 Promote community awareness of domestic and family violence. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV004 Provide domestic and family violence support in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV005 - Provide domestic and family violence support in non-English speaking background communities. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV006 Counsel clients affected by domestic and family violence. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV008 Manage responses to domestic and family violence in family work. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV009 Establish change promoting relationship with users of domestic and family violence. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV010 Promote accountability and assist users of domestic and family violence to accept responsibility. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV011 Establish and maintain the safety of people who have experienced domestic and family violence. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV012 Make safety plans with people who have been subjected to domestic and family violence. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV013 - Manage domestic and family violence screening and risk assessment processes. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Australian Government. (2015). CHCDFV014 Provide programs for people who have been subjected to domestic and family violence. CHC Community Services Training Package Release 3.0.
Bancroft, L. (2002). The batterer as a parent. Synergy, 6(1), 6-8. (Newsletter of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges)
Baobaid, M. & Hamad, G. (2010). Addressing domestic violence within Canadian Muslim communities: A training manual for Muslim communities and Ontario service providers. Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration (MRCSSI): London, Ontario.
BC Society of Transiton Houses. (2017). PEACE program toolkit: Program for children and youth experiencing violence.
BC Society of Transiton Houses. (2018). Violence is preventable (VIP) curriculum for grades k-12.
BC Society of Transiton Houses. (2018). Violence is preventable (VIP) facilitators guide.
- Brennan, S. (2011). Violent victimization of Aboriginal People in the Canadian provinces, 2009 (Catalogue No. 85-002-X). Retrieved from Statistics Canada website:
Cross, P. (2012). It Shouldn’t Be This Hard: Family law, family court and violence against women. Learning Network Brief (1). London, Ontario: Learning Network, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children.
Cunningham, A. & Baker, L. (2007). Little eyes, little ears: How violence against a mother shapes children as they grow. London, ON: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System.
Dabby, C. (2013). Engaging Asian men: Divesting from gender violence; Investing in gender equality. The Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence.
David, R., Olszowy, L., Reif, K., Saxton, M., Campbell, M., Dubé, M., Dawson, M., & Jaffe, P. (2017). Children and Domestic Homicide: Understanding the Risks. Domestic Homicide Brief (3). London, ON: Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative. ISBN: 978-1-988412-11-5.
- DAWN. (2014). Fact Sheet on Women with Disabilities and Violence. Retrieved from:
Dunk-West, P. & Wendt, S. (2019). Child-focused social work practice in the context of family and domestic violence: Understanding the impact of male violence. The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health: Government of Australia.
Dunk-West, P. & Wendt, S. (2019). Child-focused work with families affected by domestic violence: Skills, values and knowledge requirements for social work students. Emerging Minds, The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.
Etheridge, A., Gill, L., & McDonald, J. (2014). Domestic violence toolkit for health care providers in BC. Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
Ferris, P., Simard, E., Simard, G. & Ramdatt, J. (2005). Promising practices in First Nations child welfare management and governance. Weechi-it-te-win Family Services: Rainy Lake District, ON.
Fleck-Henderson, A. & Arean, J. C. (2004). Breaking the cycle: Fathering after violence: Curriculum guidelines and tools for batterer intervention programs. Family Violence Prevention Fund.
Gallagher, B., Perrone, L., McIntyre, H. & Cantrell, D. (2010). Critical connections: Where woman abuse and child safety intersect – A practice guide for child welfare professionals in Ontario. Toronto, ON: Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies.
Guedes, A. (2012). Men and boys knowledge module. UN Women: Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence Against Women and Girls.
Guelph-Wellington Action Committee on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (GWAC). (2017). A community response to sexual and domestic violence in Guelph-Wellington.
Healey, L., Humphreys, C., Tsantefski, M., Heward-Belle, S. & Mandel, D. (2018). Invisible practices: Intervention with fathers who use violence (research report). Sydney: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS).
Hester, M. & Lilley, S. J. (2014). Domestic and sexual violence perpetrator programmes: Article 16 of the Istanbul Convention. A collection of papers on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. Council of Europe.
Jeffrey, N., Fairbairn, J., Campbell, M., Dawson, M., Jaffe, P., & Straatman, A-L. (2018). Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations (CDHPIVP) Literature Review on Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Safety Planning. London, ON: Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative
Lalonde, D., Tabibi, J., & Baker, L. (2020. Trauma - and violence - informed approaches: Supporting children exposed to intimate partner violence. Learning Network Issue 31. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.
Law Commission of Ontario. (2012). Curriculum modules in Ontario law schools: A framework for teaching about violence against women. Toronto, ON.
Lindenburger, S. (1994). Make a difference: How to respond to child witnesses of woman abuse. The Children’s Subcommittee of the London Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse: London, ON. (Not available online)
Listenbee et al. (2012). Report of the Attorney General's National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence. U.S. Department of Justice.
Lorenzetti, L., Wells, L., Callaghan, T., & Logie, C. (2014). Domestic violence in Alberta’s gender and sexually diverse communities: Towards a framework for prevention. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Martin, S. (2014). Core Competencies for GBV Specialists. GBV AoR Learning Task Team. UNFPA.
McEvoy, M. & Ziegler, M. (2006). Best practice manual for stopping the violence counselling programs in British Columbia. BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs.
Miller, E. C., Goodman, L. A., Thomas, K. A., Peterson, A., Scheer, J. R., Woulfe, J. M., Warshaw. C. (2016). Trauma-informed approaches for LGBTQ* survivors of intimate partner violence: A review of literature and a set of practice observations. GLBTQ Domestic Violence Project.
Ministry of Justice. (2011). Safety planning with children and youth: A toolkit for working with children and youth exposed to domestic violence. BC Society of Transition Houses in partnership with the Ending Violence Association of BC.
- CA, and Durham, NC: UCLA-Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.
Nighswander, M. & Proulx, J. (2007). Children first: A guide for service providers working with children exposed to family violence. RESOLVE Manitoba.
Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH). (2017). Intimate Partner Sexual Violence.
Ontario Native Women’s Association & Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres. (2007). A Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Aboriginal Women. Retrieved from:
Phillips, H., Lyon, E., Fabri, M., & Warshaw, C. (2015). Promising practices and model programs: Trauma-informed approaches to working with survivors of domestic and sexual violence and other trauma. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health.
Respect: Men & Women Working Together to End Domestic Violence. (2017). The Respect Standard (3rd Edition). (Not available online)
Rich, J. et al. (2009). Healing the Hurt: Trauma-Informed Approaches to the Health of Boys and Young Men of Color. (Center for Nonviolence and Social Justice, Drexel University School of Public Health and Department of Emergency Medicine.) Retrieved from:
- Rossiter, KR., Yercich, S., Baobaid, M., Al Jamal, A., David, R., Fairbairn, J., Dawson, M., & Jaffe, P. (2018). Domestic Homicide in Immigrant and Refugee Populations: Culturally-Informed Risk and Safety Strategies (4). London, ON: Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative. ISBN: 978-1-988412-13-9
Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice and Attorney General. (2010). A guide for children exposed to violence programs in Saskatchewan.
State of Victoria (Family Safety Victoria). (2017). Preventing family violence & violence against women capability framework.
Straatman, A. (February 2015). Training Social Work Students in Domestic/Sexual Violence work: Key findings from the literature. Learning Network Brief (25). London, Ontario: Learning Network, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children.
Tabibi, J., Ahmad, S., Baker, L., & Lalonde, D. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence Against Immigrant and Refugee Women. Learning Network Issue 26. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. ISBN # 978-1-988412-24-5
Thandi, G. & Lloyd, B. (2011). “This is a man’s problem”: Strategies for working with South Asian male perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Centre for the Prevention and Reduction of Violence, Office of Applied Research, Justice Institute of British Columbia.
Wells, L., Flood, M., Boutilier, S., Goulet, S. & Dozois, E. (2020). Supporting best practices: Guidelines for funding programs that engage and mobilize men and boys in violence prevention. Sh!ft The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Western Education Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children. (2011). Knowledge exchange workshop on domestic violence training, June 16-17, 2011: Report of the meeting.
Women’s College Hospital. (n.d.). Responding to domestic violence in clinical settings: Core competencies.
- WomenatthecentrE. (2020). Declarations of truth: Documenting insights from survivors of sexual violence. Retrieved from:
YWCA Sheriff King Home emergency shelter. YWCA of Calgary Practice Framework Part II. (Not available online)