
Baker, Linda


Jaffe, P.G, Baker, L.L., & Cunningham, A. (Ed.) (2004). Protecting Children from Domestic Violence: Strategies for Community Intervention. New York: Guilford Press.

Chapters in Books

Baker, L.L., Cunningham, A.J., & Harris, K. E. (2011). Violence within families and intimate relationships. In F. Sherman & F. Jacobs (Eds.), Juvenile justice: Advancing research, policy, and practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, pp 223-244.

Cunningham, A.J. & Baker, L.L. (2011). The Adolescent’s Experience of Intimate Partner Violence and Implications for Intervention. In S. A. Graham-Bermann and A.A. Levendosky (Eds.), How Intimate Partner Violence Affects Children: Developmental Research, Case Studies, and Evidence-Based Intervention. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, pp 2470-272.

Baker, L.L., Cunningham, A.J., & Jaffe, P.G. (2004). Future Directions in Ending Domestic Violence in the Lives of Children. In P.G. Jaffe, L.L. Baker, & A. J. Cunningham (Eds.), Protecting Children from Domestic Violence: Strategies for Community Intervention. New York: Guilford Press.

Leschied, A.W., Cummings, A. L., & Baker, L.L. (2004). Models of Supervision Relevant to the Delivery of Effective Correctional Service. In What Works and Why: Effective Approaches to Reentry. American Correctional Association, Lanham, Maryland.

Journal Articles

Etherington, N., Baker, L., Ham, M., Glasbeek, D. Evaluating the effectiveness of online training for a comprehensive violence against women program: A pilot study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Etherington, N. & Baker, L. (2016). From “Buzzword” to Best Practice: Applying Intersectionality to Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 19(1), 58-75.

Ninan, A., Kriter, G., Steele, M., Baker, L., Boniferro, J., Crotogino, J. Stewart, S. & Dourova, N. (2014). Developing a Clinical Framework for Children/Youth Residential Treatment. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 31, 284-300.

Baker, L. & Cunningham, A. (2009). Inter-parental violence: The pre-schooler’s perspective and the educator’s role. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37, 199-207.

Crooks, C.V., Goodall, G.R., Baker, L.L., Hughes, R. (2006). Preventing violence against women: Engaging the fathers of today and tomorrow. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 13, 82-93.

Leschied, A.L., Cummings, A., & Baker, L.L. (2001). Models of supervision relevant to the delivery of effective correctional service.  In H. Allen (Ed.), Monograph Series on Community Corrections. La Crosse, WI: International Community Corrections Association.

Jaffe, P. G., Crooks, C.V, Reid, M., White, J., Pugh-Markie, D. & Baker, L. Enhancing judicial skills in domestic violence cases: The development, implementation, and preliminary evaluation of a model US programme. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 40(4), 496-514.

Jaffe, P.G., & Baker, L.L. (1999). Why Changing the YOA does not impact youth crime: Developing effective prevention programs for children and adolescents. Canadian Psychology, 40(1), 22-29.

Lomis, M.J., & Baker, L.L. (1985). Microtraining of forensic psychiatric patients for empathic counselling skills. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 32(1), 84-93.

Program Resources and Technical Reports


Etherington, N. & Baker. L. (2018). Preventing Revictimization and Use of Aggression Following Girls’ Maltreatment: A life course Approach. Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-20-7. 

Lalonde, D., Abramovich, A., Baker, L., & Tabibi, J. (2018). LGBTQ2S Youth, Violence, and Homelessness. Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-18-4 


Baker, L., Lalonde, D., & Tabibi, J. (2017). Women, Intimate Partner Violence, & Homelessness. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-14-6 

Baker, L., Tabibi, J., & Lalonde, D. (2017). Sibling Violence.  London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-12-2 

Baker, L., & Straatman, A. (2017). Femicide of Women Who Are Older. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-94-7

Etherington, N., & Baker, L. (2017). Links between the Maltreatment of Girls & Later Victimization or Use of Violence. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-02-3 

Straatman, A.L., Baker, L., Tabibi, J., &, Mohammed, S. (2017). Evaluation of Trauma-and-Violence-Informed Health Promotion: Common Indicators for Projects funded through Supporting the Health of Victims of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse through Community Programs. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-08-5

Baker, L. (2017). Exploring the intersections: immigrant and refugee women fleeing violence and experiencing homelessness in Canada. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-10-8 


Baker, L., Straatman, A.L., Etherington, N., O’Neil, B., Heron, C., Sapardanis, K. (2016). Towards A conceptual framework: Trauma, Family Violence and Health.  London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-09-2 

Baker, L., O’Neil, B., Kubow, M., Etherington, N. (2016). Violence Against Women Who Are Older. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. 

Etherington, N., & Baker, L. (2016). Gender-Based Violence Training Programs: Online, Face- to-face and Blended Formats. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

Etherington, N., & Baker, L. (2016). OAITH Foundations of Violence against Women (VAW Online Training Program Evaluation. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

Etherington, N., & Baker, L. (2016). The Link between Boys’ Victimization and Adult Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence: Opportunities for Prevention across the Life Course. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. ISBN 978-0-06888655-4-5

Baker, L., Etherington, N., Barreto, E. (2016). Intimate Partner Sexual Violence, Learning Network Newsletter, Issue 17. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University.


Baker, L., Etherington, N., Barreto, E. (2015). Intersectionality. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Etherington, N., Pietsch, N., Straatman, A., Barreto, E., Campbell, M. (2015). Femicide, London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Pietsch, N., Etherington, N., Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2015). Sexual & Gender- Based Harassment. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Straatman, A., Etherington, N., & Barreto, E. (2015). Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Rainbow Communities: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Young, S., Straatman, A. Sfeir, M., Etherington, N. (2015). Intimate Partner Violence in Rainbow Communities: A Discussion Paper Informed by the Learning Network Knowledge Exchange November 2014. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 


Baker, L. (2014). Sexual Violence Prevention: Are we increasing safety or reinforcing rape culture? Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Campbell, M., Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2014). Gender Equality. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2014). Sexual Violence Awareness. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2014). Social Marketing and Prevention of Violence Against Women. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L., Pietsch, N., Campbell, M., Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2014). We Remember December 6th, London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University.


Baker, L., Campbell, M., Straatman, A., Barreto, E. (2013). Violence Against Young Women, London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (December 2013). In collaboration with Guest Editors Bonnie Brayton, Fran Odette, and Doris Rajan. Violence Against Women with DisAbilities and Deaf Women. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (June 2013). In collaboration with Guest Editors Todd Minerson and Humberto Carolo. Engaging Men and Boys to End Violence Against Women. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (April 2013). Technology- Related Violence Against Women. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.


Cunningham, A.J. and Baker L.L. (2012), in collaboration with L.L. Ermineskin, S.G., Gladue, J., Lightning Mattson, D., Rear, N., Simpson, M., Sam, D., Goard, C., Reimer, J., Snow, T., Bigstone, L., Wolfe, J., Littlechild, M., Heroux, M., & Marten Vermillion, R. Walk Proud, Dance Proud: Footprints on a Healing Journey: A Discussion Guide to Walking the Path Together to Reclaim the Teachings of our First Nations Children. Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters, ISBN# 978-1-927125-09-0.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (December 2012). Children Exposed to Domestic Violence. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A. (September 2012). The Issue: Human Trafficking. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A. (May 2012). The Network Comes to Life. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.


Baker, L.L., Campbell, M. & Straatman, A. (2011). Overcoming Barriers and Enhancing Supportive Responses: The Research on Sexual Violence Against Women. A Resource Document. London, Ontario: Violence Against Women Learning Network, Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University.


Baker, L.L. & Cunningham, A.J. (2008). Helping an abused woman: 101 things to know, say and do. A helping hands guide on skill building and tools for helpers and healers. London, ON: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System. ISBN 978-1-895953- 41-1.

Cunningham, A.J. & Baker, L.L. (2008). Helping abused women in shelters: 101 things to know, say and do. A helping hands guide on skill building and tools for helpers and healers. London, ON: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System. ISBN 978-1- 895953-42-8.

VanGrunsven, M., Baker, L.L., & Harris, K. (2008). e-Learning Cognitive Behavioural Intervention Curriculum (eCBIC). Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System, London, Ontario.


Cunningham A., & Baker, L.L. (2007). Little Eyes, Little Ears: How Violence Against A Mother Shapes Children As They Grow. London, Ontario: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN 978-1-895953-32-9.

Baker, L.L., & Jaffe, P.J. (2007). Understanding Woman Abuse and its Effects on Children: Strategies for Responding to Elementary Students. An Educator’s Guide. TO, Ontario: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.


Baker, L.L., & Jaffe, P.J. (2006). Understanding Woman Abuse and its Effects on Children: Strategies for Responding to Elementary Students. A Facilitator’s Guide. TO, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.


Baker, L.L., & Cunningham, A.J. (2005). Professor’s Resource Guide to Teaching about Woman Abuse and its Effects on Children. London, Ontario: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System.

Baker, L.L., & Cunningham, A.J. (2005). Through a New Lens: Seeing Woman Abuse in the Life of a Young Child. A Resource Package for Teachers of Early Childhood Education (CD format). London, Ontario: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System.

Baker, L.L., & Cunningham, A.J. (2005). Learning to Listen, Learning to Help: Understanding Woman Abuse and its Effects on Children. London, Ontario: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System. ISBN 1-89595328-6.


Baker, L.L., & Cunningham, A. (2004). Helping Children Thrive: Supporting Woman Abuse Survivors as Mothers. London, Ontario: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System. ISBN 1-895953-26-X.

Baker, L.L., & Van Grunsven, M. (2004). Adolescent Suicide Prevention and Intervention: Train the Trainer Manual.  London, Ontario: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN 1-895953-25-1.


Baker, L.L., & Jaffe, P.G. (2003). Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: A handbook for the Juvenile Justice System to enhance assessment and intervention strategies for youth from violent homes. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN: 1-895953-16-2.

Baker, L.L. & Jaffe, P.G. (2003). Interactive CD ROM -- Children Exposed to  Violence: Enhancing Teachers’ Understanding, Response and Community Collaboration. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System.

Baker, L.L., Jaffe, P.G., Berkowitz, S.J., & Berkman, M. (2003). Interactive CD ROM--Children Exposed to Violence: Enhancing Police Response and Community Collaboration. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. 

Cunningham, A. & Baker, L.L. (2003). Children Who Live With Violence: Best Evidence to Inform Better Practice. Prepared for the National Crime Prevention Centre, Ottawa, Canada. 

Cunningham, A. & Baker, L.L. (2003). Waiting for Mommy: Giving a Voice to the Hidden Victims of Imprisonment. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN: 1-895953-24-3.


Ashbourne, L., Baker, L., & Male, C. (2002). Ambiguous Loss In Adolescents: Increasing Understanding to Enhance Intervention. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISSN 1703-7816 Sigma.

Baker, L., & Ashbourne, L. (2002). Treating Child and Adolescent Depression: A Handbook for Children’s Mental Health Practitioners. Toronto, ON: Children’s Mental Health Ontario.

Baker, L., Ashbourne, L. & Male, C. (2002). Adolescent Depression & Suicide: Increasing Understanding to Enhance Intervention. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISSN 1703-7816 Sigma.

Baker, L., Camara, C., Fairles, I., Hurley, P., Joseph, M., Malla, S., & Owens, R. (2002). Eyes Wide Open – Seeing How Violence Affects Us All. A Manual for Group Work with Teens. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System.

Baker, L., Cunningham, A., & Male, C. (2002). Peer to Peer Aggression in Residential Settings: Increasing Understanding to Enhance Intervention. London, ON: Centre for children and Families in the Justice System. ISSN: 1703-7816 Sigma.

Baker, L.L., Jaffe, P.G., Ashbourne, L., & Carter, J. (2002). Children Exposed to Violence: A Teacher’s Handbook to Increase Understanding and Improve Community Responses. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN: 1-895953-15-4.

Baker, L.L., Jaffe, P.G., Ashbourne, L., & Carter, J. (2002). Children Exposed to Violence: An Early Childhood Educator=s Handbook to Increase Understanding and Improve Community Responses. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN: 1- 895953-13-8.

Baker, L.L., Jaffe, P.G., Berkowitz, S.J., & Berkman, M. (2002). Children Exposed to Violence: A Handbook for Police Trainers to Increase Understanding and Improve Community Responses. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN: 1-895953-14-6.

Baker, L., Straatman, A., & Male, C. (2002). Adolescent Relationship Violence: Increasing Understanding to Enhance Intervention. London, ON: Centre for children and Families in the Justice System. ISSN: 1703-7816 Sigma.

Baker, L., & Scarth, K. (2002). Cognitive Behavioural Approaches to Treating Children & Adolescents with Conduct Disorder. Toronto, ON: Children’s Mental Health Ontario. 


Baker, L.L., Jaffe, P.G., & Moore, K.J. (2001). Understanding the Effects of Domestic Violence: A Handbook for Early Childhood Educators. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN 1-895953-11-1.

Baker, L.L., Jaffe, P.G., & Moore, K.J. (2001). Understanding the Effects of Domestic Violence: A Trainer’s Manual for Early Childhood Educators. London, ON: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. ISBN: 1-895953-12-X.


Baker, L.L. (2000). The link between the early years and adolescent outcomes: What we know about attachment and antisocial behaviour. A position paper written for the Federal Justice Department, Youth Policy Branch, Canada.

Cunningham, A., Baker, L. L., Mazaheri, N., Ashbourne, L., Van Brunschot, M., & Currie, M. (2000). “Best Practice@ Programming for Phase II Young Offenders: A Literature Review. Prepared for the Ministry of Corrections, Ontario Provincial Government, Canada.


Baker, L.L. (1999). No To Bullying: An Early Identification and Crime Prevention Demonstration Project. Prepared for the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Corrections, Ontario Provincial Government, Canada.


Baker, L.L. (1998). Anger Awareness and Interpersonal Problem Solving: A Group Manual and Video. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer.

Cunningham, A., Jaffe, P.G., Baker, L.L., Dick, T., Malla, S., Mazaheri, N., Poisson, S. (1998). Theory-Derived Explanations of Male Violence Against Female Partners: Literature Update and Related Implications for Treatment and Evaluation. Prepared for Correctional Service of Canada. 


Baker, L.L. & Leschied, A. (1997). Effecting Change: A Cognitive Behavioural Approach to Working with Youths in Custody. (Manual and Video). London, ON: London Family Court Clinic.


Baker, L.L. (1983). Childhood suicide: Myths, etiology and implications for counselling. The Alberta Counsellor, 11(2), 8-15.

Jaffe, Peter

Crooks, C. V., Jaffe, P. G., Dunlop, C., Kerry, A., Houston, B., Exner-Cortens, D., Wells, L. (2019) Prévention primaire de la violence faite aux femmes et aux filles Connaissances actuelles sur l’efficacité des programmes Femmes et Égalité des genres Canada (FEGC)

Crooks, C. V., Jaffe, P. G., Dunlop, C., Kerry, A., Houston, B., Exner-Cortens, D., Wells, L. (2019) Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls Current Knowledge about Program Effectiveness Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE)

Crooks, C. V., Jaffe, P. G., Dunlop, C., Kerry, A., & Exner-Cortens, D. (2019). Preventing gender-based violence among adolescents and young adults: Lessons from 25 years of program development and evaluation. Violence Against Women. SAGE Publications, 25(1), 29-55.

Jaffe, P. G., Crooks, C.V, Reid, M., White, J., Pugh-Markie, D. & Baker, L. Enhancing judicial skills in domestic violence cases: The development, implementation, and preliminary evaluation of a model US programme. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 40(4), 496-514.

Crooks, C. V., Jaffe, P. G., & Dunlop, C (2018). Intervening with children exposed to domestic violence: Multiple opportunities to prevent harm and promote resilience. In C. Renzetti, R. Bergen, & J. Edleson, (eds), Sourcebook on Violence Against Women, 3rd Edition. New York: Sage.

Jaffe, P., Campbell, M., Reif, K., Fairbairn, J., & R. David. (2017). Children, domestic homicide and death reviews. In M. Dawson (Ed.) Domestic Homicides and Death Reviews: An International Perspective. London UK: Palgrave McMillan.

Jaffe, P., Fairbairn, J., & K Reif. (2017). Children at risk of homicide in the context of intimate partner violence. In J. Campbell and J. Messing (Eds.) Assessing Dangerousness: Violence by Batterers and Child Abusers (3rd Edition). New York NY: Springer Publishing.

Jaffe, P. (2014) A presumption against shared parenting for family court litigants. Family Court Review 52(2) 187-192.

Jaffe, P.G., Campbell. M., Olszowy, L., Hamilton, L.H.A. (2014) Paternal filicide in the context of domestic violence: Challenges in risk assessment and risk management for community and justice professionals. Child Abuse Review, 23(2) 142-153.

Jaffe, P; Dawson, M. (2013) Developing a national collaborative approach to prevent domestic homicides: Domestic Homicide Review Committees. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 55(1) 137-155.

Jaffe, P; Straatman, A.L.; Harris, B; Georges, A; Vink, K; Reif, K. (2013). Emerging trends in teacher sexual misconduct in Ontario: 2007-2012. Education Law Journal, 23(1), 19-39.

Hamilton, L; Jaffe, P; Campbell, M. (2013) Assessing children’s risk for homicide in the context of domestic violence. Journal of Family Violence. 28(2) 179-189.

Olszowy, L; Jaffe, P; Campbell, M; Hamilton, L. (2013) Effectiveness of risk assessment tools in differentiating child homicides from other domestic homicide cases. Journal of Child Custody, 10 (2) 185-206.

Jaffe, P; Campbell, M; Hamilton, L.A; Juodis, M. (2012) Children in Danger of Domestic Homicide. Child Abuse & Neglect, 36(1) 71-74.

Jaffe, P.G., Berman, H., & MacQuarrie, B. (2011). A Canadian model for building university and community partnerships: Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children. Violence Against Women, 17, 1159-1175.

Jaffe, P., MacQuarrie, B., Straatman, A. L., & Reid, M. (2011). Confronting the many faces of child sexual abuse: Developing a comprehensive national prevention strategy. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

Jaffe, P.G., Wolfe, D.A., & Campbell, M. (2011). Growing Up with Domestic Violence: Assessment, intervention & prevention strategies for children & adolescents. Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe & Huber.

Jaffe, P.G., Ashbourne, D., & Mamo, A.A. (2010). Early identification and prevention of parent-child alienation: A framework for balancing risks and benefits of intervention. Family Court Review, 48(1), 136-152.

Campbell, M., Neil, J.A., Jaffe, P.G. & Kelly, T. (2010). Engaging abusive men in seeking community intervention: A critical research & practice priority. Journal of Family Violence, 25(4), 413-422.

Wolfe, D.A., Jaffe, P.G., Leschied, A.W., & Legate, B.L. (2010). Assessing historical abuse allegations and damages. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34, 135-143.

Jaffe, P.G., Crooks, C.V., & Watson, L (2009). Creating Safe School Environments: From Small Steps to Sustainable Change. London, ON: Althouse Press.

Wolfe, D.A., Crooks, C.V., Jaffe, P., Chiodo, D., Hughes, R., Ellis, W., Stitt, L. & Donner, A. (2009). A universal school-based program to prevent adolescent dating violence: A cluster randomized trial. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 163(8), 692-699.

Jaffe, P.G., Johnston, J.R., Crooks, C.V., Bala, N. (2008). Custody disputes involving allegations of domestic violence: Toward a differentiated approach to parenting plans. Family Court Review, 46(3), 500-522.

Baker, L.L., & Jaffe, P.J. (2006). Understanding Woman Abuse and its Effects on Children: Strategies for Responding to Elementary Students. A Facilitator’s Guide. TO, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.

MacQuarrie, Barbara


MacGregor, J., Oliver, C., MacQuarrie, B.J., C. Wathen, N. (2019). Intimate Partner Violence and Work: A Scoping Review of Published Research. SAGE Publishing: Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Saxton, M. D., Olszowy, L., MacGregor, J. C. D., MacQuarrie, B. J., & Wathen, C.N. (2018). Domestic violence victims’ experiences with police and the justice system in Canada. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Wathen, C. N., MacGregor, J. C., Tanaka, M., & MacQuarrie, B. J. (2018). The impact of intimate partner violence on the health and work of gender and sexual minorities in Canada. International journal of public health, 1-11.

MacGregor, J. C. D., Wathen, C. N., & MacQuarrie, B. J. (2017). Resources for domestic violence in the Canadian workplace: Results of a pan-Canadian survey. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. Online Aug 10:

MacGregor, J. C. D., Wathen, C. N., & MacQuarrie, B. J. (2016). Domestic violence in the Canadian workplace: Are co-workers aware? Safety and Health at Work, 7(3), 244-50. Open access:

MacGregor, J. C. D., Wathen, C. N., Olszowy, L., Saxton, M., MacQuarrie, B.J. (2016). Gender differences in workplace disclosure and supports for domestic violence: Results of a pan-Canadian survey. Violence and Victims. 31(6), 1135-1154. DOI: 10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-15-00078

Wathen C. N., MacGregor, J.C.D., MacQuarrie, B.J. (2016). The relationship between intimate partner violence, work, and health. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-16. online January 19, 2016. DOI: 10.1177/0886260515624236

Wathen C. N., MacGregor, J.C.D., MacQuarrie, B.J. (2015). The impact of domestic violence in the workplace: results from a pan-Canadian survey. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57(7): e65-71. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000499.

Jaffe, P. G., Berman, H., & MacQuarrie, B. (2011). A Canadian model for building university and community partnerships: Centre for research & education on violence against women and children. Violence against women, 17(9), 1159-1175.

Tremblay, P. F., Harris, R., Berman, H., MacQuarrie, B., Hutchinson, G. E., et al. (2008) Negative Social Experiences of University and College Students. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Volume 38,  (3),  57-75. 

“Welsh.S., Carr.J., MacQuarrie,B., & Huntley, A. (2006).  I’m Not Thinking of It as Sexual Harassment: Understanding Harassment across Race and Citizenship Gender & Society. (20), 87-107. 

Berman, H., McKenna, K., Arnold, C.T., Taylor, G., & MacQuarrie, B. (2000).  Sexual Harassment: Everyday Violence in the Lives of Girls and Women.  Advances in Nursing Science: Vulnerability and Empowerment: Part I, Volume 22 (Issue 4), 32-46.

Book Chapters / Contributions to a collective work

Berman., H., & Jiwani, Y. ( 2002) In the Best Interests of the Girl Child, Phase II Report: Sexual Harassment: The Unacknowledged Face of Violence in the Lives of Girls. London, Ontario. Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women and Children, University of Western Ontario.

Berman, H., Straatman, A., Hunt, K., Izumi, J., & MacQuarrie, B. (2002). Sexual harassment: The unacknowledged face of violence in the lives of girls. In the best interests of the girl child, 15-44.

MacQueen, G. (1992). Non-violent Action in El Salvador.  In Unarmed forces : nonviolent action in Central America  and the Middle East. Editor, MacQueen, G.  Publisher  Science for Peace/S. Stevens.


Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. (2018). Fatal Silence. Facilitator Films

Western’s Caucus on Women’s Issues. (2008). Voices of Diversity: Creating a culture of safety, respect and belonging on campus. London, Ontario. KMP Productions

Sexual Assault Centre London and Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women and Children. (2002). The Way Forward; Rethinking the Problem of Workplace Sexual Harassment. London, Ontario. KMP Productions

Other knowledge mobilization contributions

Technical Reports:

Domestic Violence at Work Network. (2017). National Survey Results on the Impact of Domestic Violence on Workers and Workplaces in Mongolia – Joint CMTU and ITUC-AP Report. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

Domestic Violence at Work Network. (2017). National Survey Results on the Impact of Domestic Violence on Workers and Workplaces in Taiwan – Joint CFL and ITUC-AP Report. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

Domestic Violence at Work Network. (2017). National Survey Results on the Impact of Domestic Violence on Work, Workers and Workplaces in Belgium. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

Jaffe, P., MacQuarrie, B., Straatman, A. L., & Reid, M. (2011). Confronting the many faces of child sexual abuse: Developing a comprehensive national prevention strategy. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.     

Scott, K. L., Lim, D. B., Kelly, T., Holmes, M., MacQuarrie, B. J., Wathen, C. N., MacGregor, J. C. D. (2017). Domestic Violence at the Workplace: Investigating the Impact of Domestic Violence Perpetration on Workers and Workplaces. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto.


Domestic Violence at Work Network. (2016). Issue Brief: Impact of Domestic Violence on Workers and the Workplace ILO Experts Group Meeting on a Convention on Violence against Women and Men at Work. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

Domestic Violence at Work Network. (2016). Issue Brief: Impact of Domestic Violence on Workers and the Workplace ILO Experts Group Meeting on a Convention on Violence against Women and Men at Work. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

MacQuarrie, B. (2015) Needs Assessment: A Study to Identify and Address Systemic and Service Barriers Impacting Particularly At-Risk and Marginalized Women and Youth who have Experienced Sexual Violence in Sarnia-Lambton. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children.

Wathen, C.N., MacGregor, J.C.D., MacQuarrie, B., Canadian Labour Congress. (2014). Can Work be Safe, When Home Isn’t? Initial Findings of a Pan-Canadian Survey on Domestic Violence and the Workplace. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children.

MacQuarrie, B. (ed.) Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women and Children. (2009). Summary Report from: Safe, Respectful and Inclusive Workplaces Conference. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women and Children, University of Western Ontario.

MacQuarrie, B. (ed.) (2009). Surviving the System Handbook: Advice on Using the Legal System if you are a Survivor of Sexual Violence. London, Ontario. Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children.

MacQuarrie, B., Burr, C. (eds.) (2009). Report from Workplace Violence Prevention Think Tank. London, Ontario:  Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women and Children, University of Western Ontario.

MacQuarrie, B. (2007). Implementing a Woman Abuse Screening Protocol:  Facilitating Connections between Mental Health, Addictions and Woman Abuse. London, Ontario: Women’s Mental Health and Addictions Action Research Coalition.

MacQuarrie, B. (2005). Voices from the Front Line: Implementing a Woman Abuse Screening Protocol: Facilitating Connections between Mental Health, Addictions and Woman Abuse.  London, Ontario: London Coordinating Committee to End Women Abuse and the Middlesex Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse

Welsh, S., Carr, J., MacQuarrie, B., Huntley, A. (2004). Workplace Harassment and Violence Report. London, Ontario:  Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women and Children, University of Western Ontario.

Straatman, Anna-Lee

Moffitt, P., Aujla, W., Giesbrecht, C.J., Grant, I., Straatman A.L., Intimate Partner Violence and COVID-19 in Rural, Remote, and Northern Canada: Relationship, Vulnerability and RiskJ Fam Viol (2020).

Baker, L., Straatman, A.L. (2017).  Intimate femicide of women who are older. (Issue 19). Learning Network, Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN  978-1-988412-04-7

Straatman, A.L., Baker, L., Tabibi, J., Mohamed, S. (2017). Evaluation of Trauma-and Violence-Informed Health Promotion: Common indicators for projects funded through Supporting the health of victims of domestic violence and child abuse through community programs. London, ON: Knowledge Hub, Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children.

Baker, L., Straatman, A.L., Etherington, N., O’Neil, B., Heron, C., Sapardanis, K. (2016). Towards a conceptual framework: Trauma, Family Violence and Health. London, ON: Knowledge Hub, Learning Network, Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children.

Campbell, M., Dawson, M., Jaffe, P., Straatman, A.L. (2016) Domestic Violence Death Review Committees: Speaking for the Dead to Protect the Living. Domestic Homicide Brief (1). London, ON: Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative. ISBN 978-0-9688655-9-0

Baker, L., Young, S., Straatman, A.L., Sfeir, M., & Etherington, N. (2015). Partner violence in rainbow communities: A discussion paper informed by the learning network knowledge exchange – November 2014. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women.

Straatman, A.L.  (2015).  Engaging men in gender-based violence prevention: Review paper synopsis.  Learning Network Brief (24).  London, Ontario: Learning Network, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children. 

Straatman, A.L. (2015).  Domestic Violence training for physicians: Current promising practices.  Learning Network Brief (23).  London, Ontario: Learning Network, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children. 

Straatman, A. L. (2014).  Examples of Evaluated Social Marketing Campaigns addressing Woman Abuse: References and Brief Descriptions.  Learning Network Brief (18).  London, Ontario: Learning Network, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children.  

Baker, L., Barreto, E., Campbell, M., Pietsch, N., & Straatman, A.L. (2014). Sexual violence awareness: Bystander sexual violence education programs for high school, college and university students. Learning Network Brief (9). London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. 

Jaffe, P., Scott, K., Jenney, A., Dawson, M., Straatman, A.L., Campbell, M. (2014). Risk factors for children in situations of family violence in the context of separation and divorce.  Ottawa: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. ISBN 978-1-100-25675-7

Baker, L., Campbell, M., Straatman, A.L., Barreto, E. (2013). Technology-related violence against women. Learning Network Newsletter (4). London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. 

Jaffe, P., Straatman A-L., Harris, B., Georges, A., Vink, K., & Reif, K. (2013). Emerging trends in teacher sexual misconduct in Ontario 2007-12. Education and Law Journal.

Straatman, A. L. (2013).  Bystander Sexual Violence Education programs for high school, college and university students.  Learning Network Brief (09).  London, Ontario: Learning Network, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children.

Broll, R; Crooks, C; Baker, L; Straatman, A.L.  (2012). Evaluating violence against women training initiatives. A Primer. Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children Learning Network.

Baker, L; Campbell, M; Straatman, A.L. (2012). Overcoming Barriers and Enhancing Supportive Responses:  The Research on Sexual Violence Against Women.  A Resource Document.  Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children Learning Network

Jaffe, P., MacQuarrie, B., Straatman, A. L., & Reid, M. (2011). Confronting the many faces of child sexual abuse: Developing a comprehensive national prevention strategy. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.                                      

Straatman, A.L. (2010). VCARS Crisis Responders Training Manual.  Victim Services Elgin

Straatman, A.L.  (2006).  Child Witness Programs.  Paper written under contract for the Ministry of the Attorney General, Ontario.                                                                             

Wolfe, D.A; Francis,K;  Straatman, A.L.  (2006). Child abuse in religiously-affiliated institutions: Long-term impact on men’s mental health. Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 30, issue 2, p. 205-212.         

Wolfe, D.A; Wekerle, C; Scott, K; Straatman, A.L. Grasley, C. (2004). Predicting Abuse in Adolescent Dating Relationships Over 1 Year.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology vol. 113 issue 3. p. 406-415                     

Wolfe, D.A; Wekerle, C; Scott, K; Straatman, A.L; Grasley,C; Reitzel-Jaffe, D.  (2003). Dating violence prevention with at-risk youth: A controlled outcome evaluation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 71, No. 2, 279-291                                                                                                   

Berman, H; A.L. Straatman, K. Hunt, J. Izumi, B. MacQuarrie. (2002). Sexual Harassment: The unacknowledged face of violence in the lives of girls. In In the Best Interests of the Girl Child. Alliance of Research Centres on Violence.                                                                                                     

Wolfe, D A.; Scott, K; Reitzel-Jaffe, D; Wekerle, C; Grasley, C; Straatman, A.L. (2001).  Development and Validation of the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory. Psychological Assessment vol. 13 issue 2.  p. 277-293                                          

Baker, L;. Straatman, A.L;  Male, C. (2001). Adolescent Relationship Violence: Increasing Understanding to Enhance Intervention.  London, ON: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System.       

Pittman, A.L.; Wolfe, D.A. Prevention during Adolescence. Chapter in Handbook of Child Abuse Research and Treatment. Edited by John Lutzker.  Springer.                                                

Wolfe, D.A;   Wekerle,C;  Gough,B;  Reitzel-Jaffe,D;  Grasley,C;  Pittman, A.L.  Stumpf, J. (1996). Youth Relationships Manual. Thousand Oaks: Sage.                                                                                          

Barreto, Elsa

Program Resources and Technical Reports


Baker, L., Etherington, N., Barreto, E. (2016). Intimate Partner Sexual Violence, Learning Network Newsletter, Issue 17. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University.


Baker, L., Etherington, N., Barreto, E. (2015). Intersectionality. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Etherington, N., Pietsch, N., Straatman, A., Barreto, E., Campbell, M. (2015). Femicide, London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Pietsch, N., Etherington, N., Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2015). Sexual & Gender- Based Harassment. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Straatman, A., Etherington, N., & Barreto, E. (2015). Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Rainbow Communities: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L., Campbell, M., Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2014). Gender Equality. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University. 

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2014). Sexual Violence Awareness. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2014). Social Marketing and Prevention of Violence Against Women. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L., Pietsch, N., Campbell, M., Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (2014). We Remember December 6th, London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University.


Baker, L., Campbell, M., Straatman, A., Barreto, E. (2013). Violence Against Young Women, London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (December 2013). In collaboration with Guest Editors Bonnie Brayton, Fran Odette, and Doris Rajan. Violence Against Women with DisAbilities and Deaf Women. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (June 2013). In collaboration with Guest Editors Todd Minerson and Humberto Carolo. Engaging Men and Boys to End Violence Against Women. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (April 2013). Technology- Related Violence Against Women. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.


Baker, L.L., Campbell, M., & Straatman, A., & Barreto, E. (December 2012). Children Exposed to Domestic Violence. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, Faculty of Education, Western University.

Lalonde, Dianne


Lalonde, D. (2018). Regret, shame, and denials of women's voluntary sterilization. Bioethics 32(5): 281-8.

Alcantara, C. , Lalonde, D. , Wilson, G. N. (2017). Indigenous Research and Academic Freedom: A View from Political Scientists. The International Indigenous Policy Journal 8(2).

Program Resources and Technical Reports


Tabibi, J., Ahmad, S., Baker, L., & Lalonde, D. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence Against Immigrant and Refugee Women. Learning Network Issue 26. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. ISBN # 978-1-988412-24-5

Lalonde, D., Abramovich, A., Baker, L., & Tabibi, J. (2018). LGBTQ2S Youth, Violence, and Homelessness. Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-18-4 


Baker, L., Lalonde, D., & Tabibi, J. (2017). Women, Intimate Partner Violence, & Homelessness. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-14-6 

Baker, L., Tabibi, J., & Lalonde, D. (2017). Sibling Violence. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-12-2 

Mohammed, Sara

Program Resources and Technical Reports


Straatman, A.L., Baker, L., Tabibi, J., &, Mohammed, S. (2017). Evaluation of Trauma-and-Violence-Informed Health Promotion: Common Indicators for Projects funded through Supporting the Health of Victims of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse through Community Programs. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-08-5

Tabibi, Jassamine

Program Resources and Technical Reports


Tabibi, J., Ahmad, S., Baker, L., & Lalonde, D. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence Against Immigrant and Refugee Women. Learning Network Issue 26. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. ISBN # 978-1-988412-24-5

Lalonde, D., Abramovich, A., Baker, L., & Tabibi, J. (2018). LGBTQ2S Youth, Violence, and Homelessness. Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-18-4 


Baker, L., Lalonde, D., & Tabibi, J. (2017). Women, Intimate Partner Violence, & Homelessness. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-14-6 

Baker, L., Tabibi, J., & Lalonde, D. (2017). Sibling Violence. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-12-2 

Straatman, A.L., Baker, L., Tabibi, J., &, Mohammed, S. (2017). Evaluation of Trauma-and-Violence-Informed Health Promotion: Common Indicators for Projects funded through Supporting the Health of Victims of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse through Community Programs. London, ON: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. ISBN 978-1-988412-08-5

Other Publications

Alliance of Five Research Centres on Violence, (1999). Violence Prevention and The Girl Child. Ontario: The Alliance of Five Research Centres on Violence.

Alvernaz Mulcahy, G, (2002). From healing wounds to creating celebrations: Traditional pathways of Canada's Original Peoples. In A. Pritz (Ed.), Global psychology. (804-833). Vienna: Facultas Universitatsverlag.

Baobaid, M., (2002). Access to women abuse services by Arab-Speaking Muslim women in London, Ontario: Background investigation and recommendations for further research and community outreach. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Baobaid, M., & Bijleveld, C. C. J. H, (2002). Violence against women in Yemen: Official statistics and an exploratory survey. International Review of Victimology. (9, 331-347).

Berman, H, (2003). Getting critical with children: Empowering approaches with a disempowered group. Advances in Nursing Science. (26(2), 102-113).

Berman, H., Ford-Gilboe, M., & Campbell, J. C, (1998). Combining stories and numbers: A methodological approach for a critical nursing science. Advances in Nursing Science. (21(1), 1-15).

Berman, H., Ford-Gilboe, M., Moutrey, B., & Cekic, S, (2001). Portraits of pain and promise: A photographic study of Bosnian youth. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. (32(4), 21-41).

Berman, H., Harris, D., Enright, R., Gilpin, M., Cathers, T., & Bukovy, G, (1999). Sexuality and the adolescent with a physical disability: Understandings and misunderstandings. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing. (22(4), 183-196).

Berman, H., Irias Giron, E. R., & Ponce Marroquin, A, (2006). A narrative study of refugee women who have experienced violence in the context of war. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. (38(4), 32-53).

Berman, H., Izumi, J., & Traher Arnold, C, (2002). Sexual harassment and the developing sense of self among adolescent girls. Canadian Journal of Counselling. (36(4), 265-280). 

Berman, H., McKenna, K., Traher Arnold, C., Taylor, G., & MacQuarrie, B, (2000). Sexual harassment: Everyday violence in the lives of girls and women. Advances in Nursing Science. (22(4), 32-46).

Bethune-Davies, P., McWilliam, C. L., & Berman, H, (2006). Living with the health and social inequities of a disability: A critical feminist study. Health Care for Women International. (27(3), 204-222).

Burkell, J., & Ellis, K, (1995). Principles of effective anti-violence education: A review of prevention literature. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Campbell, M, (2010). Évaluation des menaces et gestion des risques dans les cas de violence familiale: Un aperçu de la collaboration entre le système judiciaire et les organismes communautaires en Ontario pour 2010 et à l'avenir. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Campbell, M, (2010). Threat assessment and risk management in domestic violence cases: An overview of Ontario justice and community collaboration for 2010 and future directions. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Catalyst Research and Communications, (2012). Knowledge exchange workshop on domestic violence training: Report of the meeting. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Crooks, C., Fernandez, R., Topham, A., Acton, W., Brotzel, D., Toni Swart, G., & VanMeyel, R., (2005). Children under 12 years with sexual behaviour problems in London and Middlesex County: Trends and professionals' perceptions. London, Ontario: Centre for Research on Violence against Women and Children.

Cross, P., & Iffla, D, (2009). The vengeful bitch asked for it: Constructions of women as evil in our analysis of rape. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Cummings, A. L., & Leschied, A. W, (2001). Understanding aggression with adolescent girls: Implications for policy and practice. London, Canada: Faculty of Education.

Cvetkovic, G., Doucette, J., Edgar, K., Harris, B., Hubert, N., Jaffe, P., Kurita, J., Potgieter, R., Reid, M., Sonier, B., Wright-Evans, S., (2014). Positive Parenting: S.A.F.E. & Effective Discipline. London, Ontario: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.

Day, T, (1995). The health-related costs of violence against women in Canada: The tip of the iceberg. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

De Kersztes, C., Berman, H., Scott, K, (2001). Assessing "chilly climate" in co-ed university residences. London, Canada: Centre for Research on Violence against Women and Children.

DeOliveira, C. A., Wolfe, V. V., & Bailey, H. N, (2004). The effect of childhood maltreatment on the parent-child relationship: Project summary. London, Canada: Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children.

Doherty, D, (2002). Health effects of family violence. Ottawa, Canada: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence.

Elliott, J., Berman, H., & Kim, S, (2002). A critical ethnography of Korean Canadian women's menopause experience. Health Care for Women International. (23(4), 377-388).

Feldthusen, B., Greaves, L., & Hankivsky, O, (1999). Holding society accountable: The therapeutic consequences of civil actions for damages and compensation claims by victims of sexual abuse. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

First Report of the Subcommittee on the Status of Women, (1991). The War Against Women.

Gabdois, S., Patterson, P. L., Jarvis, B. M., & Cunningham, D. A, (1999). Qualitative Methodology: Two examples in feminist research. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Gough, R., Burkell, J., & Greaves, L, (1997). An accountable community-based evaluation of programs for men who batter. London, Canada: Centre for Research on Violence against Women and Children.

Grasely, C., Stickney, J., Harris, R., Hutchinson, G., Greaves, L., & Boyd, T, (1999). Assessing the integrated model of services for abused women: The consumers' perspective. London, Canada: Centre for Research on Violence against Women and Children.

Greaves, L., Hankivsky, O., & Kingston-Riechers, J, (1995). Selected estimates of the costs of violence against women. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Haldenby, A., Berman, H., & Forchuk, C, (2007). Homelessness and health In adolescents. Qualitative Health Research. (17(9), 1232-1244).

Hankivsky, O, (1996). Resistance to change: Exploring the dynamics of backlash. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Haskell, L., & Randall, M, (2009). Disrupted attachments: A social context complex trauma framework and the lives of aboriginal peoples in Canada. Journal of Aboriginal Health. (5(3), 48-99).

Hird, C, (2004). Youth leadership and safe schools implementation. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Horrill, K. E., & Berman, H, (2004). Getting out and staying out: Issues surrounding a woman's ability to remain out of an abusive relationship. London, Canada: Centre for Research on Violence against Women and Children.

Ismail, F., Berman, H., & Ward-Griffin, C, (2007). Dating violence and the health of young women: A feminist narrative study. Health Care for Women International. (28(5), 453-477).

Kennedy, M, (2005). Woman abuse: Exploring the connections to women's experience of mental health and homelessness. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children. 

Khan, S, (2001). Gender, religion, sexuality and the state: Mediating the Hadood laws in Pakistan. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children. 

Leschied, A. W., Chiodo, D., Nowicki, E., & Rodger, S, (2006). Better to build a child than fix an adult: A Report to the National Crime Prevention Council on the predictors of risk for youth who Proceed to the adult justice system and the programs that work to reduce that likelihood. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children. 

Luton, K. J, (1996). Shared connections - shared values: Assessing the integrated model of delivering woman abuse services in London, Ontario. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Marshall, L., Miller, N., Miller-Hewitt, S., Sudermann, M., & Watson, L, (1995). Evaluation des groupes pour des enfants témoins de violence. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children. 

Marshall, L., Miller, N., Miller-Hewitt, S., Sudermann, M., & Watson, L, (1995). Evaluation of groups for children who have witnessed violence. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Mason, R., Hyman, I., Berman, H., Guruge, S., Kanaganatram, P., & Manuel, L, (2008). Violence is an international language: Tamil women’s perceptions of intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women. (14(2), 1397-1412).

Meredith, L, (1996). Establishing links: Violence against women and substance abuse. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Ninan, A., Kriter, G., Steele, M., Baker, L., Boniferro, J., Crotogino, J. Stewart, S. & Dourova, N., (2014). Developing a Clinical Framework for Children/Youth Residential Treatment. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 31. (284-300).

Normandeau, S., Harper, E., & Martinez, E, (2005). Evaluation of the implementation process of Intersecting Sites of Violence in the Lives of Girls: A national participatory action project with girls and young women and the organizations that work with them. Montreal, Quebec: Le centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence familiale et la violence faite aux femmes. 

Pajot, M, (2009). Vivre sainement nos relations: S’engager comme jeunes et comme collectivité, un guide de ressources. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Pajot, M, (2009). Rethinking relationships: Engaging youth & connecting communities resource guide. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Pollack, S., & Mackay, L, (2003). The women's safety project pilot study: Phase two - Interviews with women. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Pollack, S., & Mackay, L, (2001). The women's safety project pilot study: Phase one - Evaluation of batterer's programs. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Purdon, C, (2004). The change panel pilot project: Application, assessment, facilitation and evaluation manual. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Purdon, C, (2003). The change panel pilot project: An evaluation of the safety of victims of domestic assault in a restorative justice process. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Rajan, D, (2004). Emergency measures and beyond: Immediate and long term recommendations for change. London, Canada: Cross-Sectoral Violence Against Women Strategy Group.

Reid, S., Berman, H., & Forchuk, C, (2005). Living on the streets: A feminist narrative study of girls and young women. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing. (28(4), 237-256). 

Riesch Toepell, A, (1995). Experiences of women participating in private family visits at federal correctional institutions. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Riley, K. M, (2012). Violence in the lives of Muslim girls and women in Canada: Symposium discussion paper. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Rodger, S., Leschied, A., Cummings, A., & Buxton, A, (2005). Evaluation of extended counselling sessions at London Interfaith Counselling Centre. London, Canada: Faculty of Education.

Rodger, Susan, (2013). The Bridges Manual. Plan B Book Packagers.

Sageman, C, (2004). Community consultation – Phase two report: Focus group findings. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Sageman, C, (2004). Community consultation – Phase one report: Survey findings. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Scott, K, (2004). Pilot implementation of the Caring Dad's Program for Abusive and At-Risk Fathers. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Sinclair, D, (2004). Overcoming the backlash: Telling the truth about power, privilege and oppression. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Struthers, M, (2001). A vague and dangerous dance: The politics of justice for domestic assault victims in a rural county. London, Canada: Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Tremblay, P. F., Harris, R., Berman, H., MacQuarrie, B., Hutchinson, G. E., Smith, M. A., Dearlove, K, (2008). Negative social experiences of university and college students. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. (38(3), 57-75).

Tremonti, Anna Maria, (2013). Could an app help stem domestic violence? CBC: The Current Podcast.

Tutty, L. M., Ogden, C., Giurgiu, B., Weaver-Dunlop, G., Damant, D., Thurston, W. E, Solerno, J, (2009). I built my house of hope: Best practices to safely house abused and homeless women. Calgary, Alberta: RESOLVE Alberta.

Wuest, J., Ford-Gilboe, M., Merritt-Gray, M., & Berman, H, (2003). Intrusion: The basic social problem identified in a grounded theory study among children and single mothers after leaving an abusive partner. Qualitative Health Research. (13(5), 597-622).

Wuest, J., Merritt-Gray, M., Berman, H., & Ford-Gilboe, M, (2002). Illuminating social determinants of women's health using grounded theory. Health Care for Women International. (23(8), 794-809).