Resources on Sexual Harassment in the Hospitality, Gaming, and Airline Sectors

This series of downloadable and shareable resources can help you learn how to spot the signs of workplace sexual harassment and violence – and steps to make a report or disclosure.   

comic01-airline-sector.pngUnwanted touching and sexualized comments  

This comic illustrates how to effectively respond to unwanted touching and sexualized comments. 

Download the comic (PDF)


comic02-airline-sector.png Sexual harassment can disrupt careers   

This comic reveals how workers can experience career hurdles due to sexual harassment. 

Download the comic (PDF)


here's a tip comic thumbnail

Here’s a tip: Sexual harassment is not part of the job  

This comic shows how tipping and sexual harassment can go hand-in-hand for restaurant servers.  

Download the comic (PDF)


thumbnail of dress codes comic

Sexualized dress codes put workers at risk of sexual harassment  

This comic illustrates the safety risks for workers when dress codes are sexualized.  

Download the comic (PDF)


Reporting should never lead to retaliation thumbnail

Reporting should never lead to retaliation  

This comic reveals how workers can experience retaliation for speaking up about workplace harassment.   

Download the comic (PDF)


What is sexual harassment and violence? thumbnailWhat is sexual harassment and violence?

Knowing how identify sexual harassment and violence is an important step in stopping them. Learn about the different behaviours and how to spot them.  

Download the infographic (PDF)



Keeping Workers Who Disclose Harassment and Violence Safe

This comic illustrates the safety risks for workers when dress codes are sexualized.  

Download the comic (PDF)



Barriers to Reporting Sexual Harassment and Violence  

This comic reveals how workers can experience retaliation for speaking up about workplace harassment.   

Download the comic (PDF)



Victim Blaming As Retaliation

Knowing how identify sexual harassment and violence is an important step in stopping them. Learn about the different behaviours and how to spot them.  

Download the infographic (PDF)


What does a survivor-centered approach look like? infographic thumbnail What does a survivor-centered approach look like?  

Learn about the 3 steps to a survivor-centered approach to managing a violence or harassment disclosure.  

Download the infographic (PDF)


What is gaslighting? infographic thumbnail What is gaslighting?   

Gaslighting is meant to make someone doubt themselves and their experiences of harassment. These are some common examples of gaslighting.   

Download the infographic (PDF)


Know your rights and responsibilities infographic thumbnail The Canada Labour Code – Know your rights and responsibilities  

Harassment and violence are an occupational health and safety issue for federally regulated workplaces. Knowing about the Resolution Process and your rights is important.  

Download the infographic (PDF)